If you start a conversation with someone about cosmetic procedures, you will surely fall on the topic of Botox® injections. People who consider this treatment have likely already heard plenty about it, and not all of what they’ve heard is positive. However, there’s a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to Botox®! We believe that when you’re considering a Botox® treatment, it’s important to have the facts.
Lucky for you, Dr. Damico has been perfecting and advancing the craft of facial injectable treatments for more than 15 years. He always has his finger on the industry’s pulse so that he can use the latest techniques and technologies to give his patients results they will love.

MYTH #1: Botox Cosmetic® is a toxin that is unsafe to put in my body
The active ingredient is derived from a naturally occurring chemical that, when applied properly, has been shown for more than a decade to have minimal side effects, even after multiple treatments.
Any medical procedure comes with some degree of risk, but Botox® has proven to be among the safest procedures aesthetic patients can get. The FDA approved Botox® for cosmetic applications in 2002, but was used for many years before 2002 for medical purposes. It has even been labeled by some as a “lunch break procedure” because of the quickness and ease of treatment. Botox® injections are relatively painless and the common side effects are generally mild.
MYTH #2: Botox® will freeze my face
One of many patients’ greatest fears is that this treatment will limit their ability to make facial expressions; fortunately, it’s also one of the greatest misconceptions.
“An experienced injector can treat you so that you reduce the muscles’ movement but remain natural, just be clear with your physician about your goals. Remember less is more. Your doctor can always tweak for next time.”
Heidi A.Waldorf, MD, of New York
When applied properly and strategically, Botox® limits motions in some facial muscles, but will not affect your ability to naturally express yourself. With proper medical supervision, Botox® should take away only the repetitive movements that lead to wrinkles, not limit your ability to display emotions, like surprise or happiness!
MYTH #3: Botox® injections are only for patients with wrinkles
Many patients want to explore their options only after wrinkles begin to appear, but did you know that this doesn’t have to be the case? Because it is used to treat wrinkles that form after repetitive muscle motions, you don’t have to wait for wrinkles to appear before taking action against them. In fact, many people use it as a preventative measure to keep wrinkles such as crow’s feet and forehead lines from forming in the first place.
At Skin Care Fort Worth, age is just a number! We have patients who start getting Botox® injections in their twenties, and others who don’t begin the process until their fifties or sixties! It really is a personal decision, so if it’s something you feel like exploring, we’re here to help, even if it means just setting up an anti-wrinkle skin care regimen for you. And remember, your other anti-wrinkle best friend is SUNSCREEN!
MYTH #4: Botox® is just a cosmetic procedure
Botox® is most often used for cosmetic purposes, but researchers are always finding new ways to use it for treating a wide range of afflictions. It may have gained fame as a wrinkle eraser, but now Botox® has a variety of uses, such as for relief of TMJ disorder symptoms.
“Botox is the ultimate renaissance treatment”
Peter J. Damico, MD, of Fort Worth
Aside from treating wrinkles, the injectable has also proven hugely useful in treating people who suffer from hyperhidrosis, better known as excessive sweatiness, a condition that affects more 3 million people globally. Botox® can be such a quick and easy fix for this problem that many find annoying or embarrassing. Additionally, because the treatment relaxes muscles, it has been shown to help people who suffer from migraines. Researchers have even documented a correlation between Botox® injections and an overall happier, less-stressful demeanor, which has led to advancements in treating depression.
MYTH #5: Once you start getting Botox® injections, you can’t stop
We do find that clients who get Botox® from Skin Care Fort Worth don’t usually want to stop, but that’s another story! This is a common concern that many patients have when they start getting Botox® injections. However, there is no reason to think that your face will not go back to normal after the Botox® wears off.
“Your face will not look worse if you stop injections after your first treatment wears off. However, it will go back to the same condition it was in before and, of course, your face will continue to age with time.”
Melda A. Isaac, MD, of Washington D.C
So, don’t be afraid to give it a try, even if you aren’t quite ready to commit. “Even intermittent injections can relax the dynamic muscles that cause wrinkling sufficiently to slow down the aging process just a bit,” says Dr. Isaac.
To get more Botox® FACTS, visit Dr. Damico at Skin Care Fort Worth by scheduling a free consultation or an appointment.
Reading this blog is not a substitute for seeking professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any concerns you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. The intent of this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only.
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Botox® Cosmetic Product Information